2016-07-18 (周一)上午9:00 Incorporating geographic and environmental contexts into disease ecology studies


讲座题目:Incorporating geographic and environmental contexts into disease ecology studies

主讲人:Michael E. Emch 教授

主持人:宋从和 教授



主办单位:beat365 科技处

报告人简介:Michael E. Emch, PhD, a health geographer, is Professor and Chair of Geography at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is also Professor of Epidemiology and a Fellow of the Carolina Population Center. He has published widely in the subfield of disease ecology, mostly of infectious diseases of the developing world. He directs the Spatial Health Research Group- spatialhealth.web.unc.edu/.

报告摘要:This paper presents two case studies that illustrate how to incorporate geographic and environmental contexts into disease ecology studies. The first example adds a geographic component to malaria vaccine evaluation in Lilongwe, Malawi. It determines the effect of geographic context on RTS,S vaccine efficacy for a cohort of 1,623 infants in two age groups: 6-12 weeks at enrollment and 5-17 months at enrollment. We mapped all households and administered surveys every 6 months to capture factors about the geographic context that could affect the vaccine performance, including household ecological characteristics, neighborhood ecology, bed net use, and travel history (location and duration). Results show that RTS,S efficacy was modified by individual and neighborhood bed net use. The second case study investigates how geographic context influences cholera transmission in Bangladesh. The study found that climate effects on cholera transmission were modified by urban structure in the megacity of Dhaka, Bangladesh. This paper concludes that geographic context is essential for understanding disease ecology and for properly evaluating the effectiveness of some interventions for environmentally-mediated diseases.
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